Customized Software


Creation of Customized Software

We develop platform-independent, customized software for our customers. In particular, we create software for physical modelling, for the visualization of measurement data and simulation results, as well as for interoperability between different programs. We work with various programming languages and have access to a large number of our own libraries.

Software Development

Individual Software Solutions Created with a Broad Range of Expertise

For the development of customer-specific software, we use the programming languages C, C++, C#, Python, Fortran, VBA, Modelica, and MATLAB, among others. We use existing libraries such as Qt or Boost as well as our own libraries. The latter are used, for example, for integrating and simulating FMUs. In addition to the customer-specific software we develop, we offer to adapt our existing software for our customers´ needs.


Specially developed and user-oriented interfaces (e.g. with Qt or Excel) make it possible to prepare complex calculation processes in an understandable way so that they can also be used without in-depth knowledge of the underlying analysis.


In addition to independently executable programs, we also offer the creation of models for LabVIEW, Simulink, or Modelica. We also have experience in exporting such models to real-time systems such as dSpace and support customers with implementation in their existing systems.


Furthermore, we offer our customers the integration of hardware in our co-simulation environment TISC, our visualization program DaVE, or in customer-specific software.


We are happy to coordinate with you when it comes to integrating our software into your operation. Possible topics include the central provision of our software or commissioning on high-performance computers such as cluster systems.

Online Simulation and Cloud Computing

Cloud-Based Simulation and Optimization Solutions

We develop software solutions for use via a web browser, e.g. on your systems or outsourced to a cloud or Docker system. In combination with our Simulator Suite, Optimization Suite, and MoBA Automation products, we put together an infrastructure that allows you to carry out automated online simulation and optimization calculations.


One example of this is the web-based simulation tools from our partner company TLK Energy. This platform can be used to provide simulation models with specific user interfaces for users from the fields of engineering, sales, and marketing.

Examples of Customized Software

Software Solutions for Demanding Technical Applications

  • TISC interface for other simulation programs
  • Specific software for the design of components
  • Automated post-processing and visualization
  • Adaptation of models for real-time applications (e.g. HIL)
  • Software for optimizing complex systems
  • Integration of hardware into existing or new programs


Your contact partner

If you have any questions on this topic, please contact:

Dr.-Ing. Christian Schulze

+49 / 531 / 39076 - 18